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1973 Acquisition Award (II Youth Art Exhibit) by the USA-Brazil Cultural Center, CCBEU, Santos, SP.)


1979 APCA Award for Best Engraver by the São Paulo Association of Art Critics

The artist created an engraving especially for the occasion, and a copy of the work was handed to each one of the award winners in all categories.


1985 APCA Award for Research (Paulo Figueiredo Art Gallery), given by the São Paulo Association of Art Critics.


1989 APCA Award for Best Illustrator in Youth and Children’s Literature, for the book “Azul e Lindo Planeta Terra, Nossa Casa” (Blue and Beautiful Planet Earth, Our Home, published by Editora Salamandra).


1991 APCA Award for Best Illustrator in Youth and Children’s Literature, for the book “Declaração Universal dos Direitos Humanos” (Universal Declaration of Human Rights, published by Editora Salamandra).


1993 Monteiro Lobato Award, given by Academia Brasileira de Letras (the Brazilian Academy of Letters) for the collection “O Homem e a Comunicação” (Men and Communication, Otávio Roth and Ruth Rocha, co-authors, published by Editora Melhoramentos)


1993 Jabuti Prize for Best Collection, for ”O Homem e a Comunicação” (Men and Communication, Otávio Roth and Ruth Rocha, co-authors, published by Editora Melhoramentos)


1993 Jabuti Prize for Editorial Project, for “O Homem e a Comunicação” (Men and Communication, Otávio Roth and Ruth Rocha, co-authors, published by Editora Melhoramentos)


1993 Prêmio Fundação Nacional do Livro Infantil (National Foundation for Children’s Books Award)


1995 Adolfo Aizen Award (in memorian) for Children’s Literature, given by União Brasileira de Escritores (Writer’s Association of Brazil), for the book “Duas Dúzias de coisinhas à toa que Deixam a gente feliz” (A Couple Dozen Silly Little Things That Make Us Happy, published by Editora Ática


International release of engraving with commemorative stamp


1982 for the United Nations (ONU) (World Federation of United Nations Associations) (Fédération Mondiale des Associations pour les Nations Unies) “Conservação e Proteção da Natureza" (Conservation and Protection of Nature, woodcut in color, special edition with 1000 copies)


1990 for the United Nations (ONU) (World Federation of United Nations Associations) (Fédération Mondiale des Associations pour les Nations Unies) "Plantas Medicinais" (Medicinal plants, lithography in color and collage, special edition with 1000 copies)

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